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April 3, 2018

To Tenured Faculty Members,

Office for the Promotion of Diversity

Sophia School Corporation
Child-care Grants for those Attending Academic Conferences (2018)

 From April, 2017, the Sophia School Corporation has started a new grant system to help scholars with small children attend academic conferences.
 Child-care Grant details for 2018 are as follows.

1. Purpose

Child care can complicate research activities. This grant aims to assist attendance at academic conferences by covering part of the child care costs, thereby promoting research careers.

2. Eligible Academic Conferences

The academic conference or research meeting, must be planned and managed by a tenured Sophia faculty member and must be held on a Sophia campus. The nursery facility must belong to the campus.

3. Children eligible for nursery care

In principle, healthy children from 57 days old up to third grade, of researchers, including those from outside Sophia University, attending an eligible academic conference are eligible.

4. Type of assistance

The total assistance to attend conferences may not exceed 50,000 yen in one year.

5. Applicants

Tenured faculty members of Sophia University in charge of the academic meeting and those who are directly involved in planning and managing the meeting.
Since this system aims to assist as many academic societies as possible, each academic society will be limited to one grant for each academic year.

6. Application period

Application deadlines will be in late April and in late October. (See 9.)

7. Application method

To apply for the grant, please contact the Office for the Promotion of Diversity.

8. Selection criteria

  1. ①Order of selection priority will be (1) to (3).
    (1) International academic conference
    (2) National academic conference
    (3) Sophia University research meeting
  2. ②The grant will go to 1 academic society in each field favoring female researchers.
  3. ③If too many applications equally meet criteria ① and ②, lots will be drawn under the supervision of the Chair of the Committee for the Promotion of Diversity, the Director of the Office for the Promotion of Diversity and multiple members of the Committee for the Promotion of Diversity.

9. Application schedule for 2018 academic year

  1. ①Spring semester for meetings in 2018
    Application period: Thursday, April 19 ~ Friday, April 27
    Notification of results: Wednesday, May 9
  2. ②Autumn semester for meetings in academic years 2018 and 2019
    Application period: Monday, October 22 ~ Tuesday, October 30
    Notification of results: Monday, November 5

Application Form for Child-care Grants for those Attending Academic Conferences

Application Form for Child-care Grants for those Attending Academic Conferences
【PDF 40KB】

Contact Office:
Office for the Promotion of Diversity
Rm #315 Building 10
Ext. No. 4052